Last week while I was quietly working away in my studio I got a call from Luba at Mudfire Gallery. At first when she said she was calling about my work my heart sunk, the shipment I sent for the show had just arrived the day before and I thought she was calling to tell me that there were some damaged pieces. She quickly quelled my fears and said "No it is good news! All of your work has sold could you send us some more?" I stammered and stuttered something like, realllly...but the show hasn't even opened yet!? Then she said "yes, collectors and early birds often come by the gallery before the opening to scoop the new works." And scoop up they did, Holey Moley!! Needless to say I have been floating on a cloud. I have had many a show and have had some fabulous successes and some heartbreaking failures but never before has this happened to me.
If that wasn't enough the next day I got an email the from the ever talented Julia Galloway inviting me to participate in an amazing group show in October and there is other show news on the horizon but I can't talk about it just yet.
And that is not all friends!
Check this out...Juliet of The Broken Plate got her "paws" on one of my plates that had been brutalized by the postal service and made some new beauty from the destruction. They are just fantastic (if I do say so myself) and they are available for purchase here.
Oh and one more thing. I have been working on updating my Ceramic Blogs list. I've added many new people to it who are doing some wonderful things. I have been astounded with the explosion of folks out there now blogging exclusively about ceramics. When I started this blog just two years ago I could count on one hand the ceramic blogs that I could find
in the virtual world. It is so nice to have access to so much diversity and to hear about other peoples experiences as ceramists.
Have a look.
Congratulations on all the good news. I've noticed more and more blogs about ceramics recently and even read an article the other day (can't remember where) about how more and more young artists are using ceramics as their media of choice. Seems like there's a mini explosion happening right now.
I've been following your work for a while now. I'm very impressed. Your work on the mud fire website is some of your best. Its no surprise that they sold out. I love the story about yourself on their site as well. Keep up the good work!
Oh, Wow! I am so thrilled to be included on your list of ceramic blogs. Thank you!
where to begin?
I did a workshop with Julia Galloway and she is wonderful and that is really wonderful news for you...
Work selling out is wonderful...YAY!
Be careful what you wish for. Right?
The broken plate jewelry rocks...I was hoping to try and hook up with you or your work in August when my husband and I come out to San Fran and Carmel to celebrate my 40th bday... not sure if that's possible...let me know if you can.
Well done!! Great to hear of Ceramics doing so well. Not surprised with your great designs. Hope Camilla is right and that it is a global explosion :)
Awesome accomplishments! I can just feel your Joy. We all know your exquisite work desearves such recognition.
I just drool every time i see one of your new pieces !!!
so so so happy for you.
and so deserved....
i hope i see you soon...
Your work is just beautiful and incredibly unique. No wonder it sold out. =)
thank you for all the love and support everyone. it has been a good week and sharing with you all makes it all the sweeter! xo
judi, give a call or shoot me an email when the time gets closer to when you will be here. i think i will be around...it would be great to meet up with you!
Congratulations on the fantastic reception of your work! I love the work of the artist who re-purposed your broken plate too.
those necklaces are amazing! i really might purchase one for myself and maybe as a gift as well. you really do deserve all the praise and good news. i have an appointment this coming sunday to get the tattoo done!
I went to the Mudfire show opening night...about an hour after it opened, and almost all of your work was sold! So beautiful to see it in person!
That's all wonderful Diana. I love the gorgeous photos of your art on your blog. Beautiful work!
Hi Diana, after reading your blog a little and being amazed by your work for a while, I went to mudfire with my friend jeanette and we were so astounded that all of your work was sold already. Good for you! Thanks for being an ispiration!
Hi Diana, after reading your blog a little and being amazed by your work for a while, I went to mudfire with my friend jeanette and we were so astounded that all of your work was sold already. Good for you! Thanks for being an ispiration!
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