07 September 2007

do not bend

11" x 9" charcoal, gauche, screen printed paper and ephemera on cardboard envelope

Dear Friends,
I am afraid to admit (though I know you are all already quite aware) that I have been so very absent from my blog these days. The reasons are many and none. Changes are happening in my creative life, really nothing major, just a gentle shift that has been organically occurring in the past few months. Growing I think...yes I am growing. The new drawings that I am working on (see above) mark the transformation that has been taking place. No fears, the ceramics are still the loves of my life, I am just spending a little more time with my little kerchiefed ladies these days. I hope you won't mind spending a little more time with them too.

And on the more mundane side of things I am moving into a new studio space next weekend! It is literally five feet from my old space (through a doorway). Never the less it means a major transition and a LOT more space for me. It is bright and airy with a window, yes a window people... a very coveted commodity when it comes to studio space. So here is a before picture of the new space.

I will keep you posted on the after as well.

Happy Weekend Everyone!


JosieJurczenia said...

Nice space Diana, it looks huge! I love your ladies...very back to your roots. I can hardly wait to see them in person.

Marjojo said...

How could anyone mind spending time with your kerchiefed old ladies - I love them. It's beautiful how you've drawn them, colouring sparingly and using the tint of the cardboard. Their weathered faces talk about life-experience and they look settled in themselves. I photographed my grandmother some years ago, when she was in her 80s. She had this beautiful wrinkled face and didn't want to be photographed because she thought she looked old. She was old and beautiful with it, her marked face telling stories if one wanted to know.
You talk about growing yourself, it's lovely when one is able to identify that, often after the fact, after a restless, insecure time when one didn't quite know if anything good was happening.
Happy move across the corridor!
(Found you through redredday)

Cynthia said...

Congrats on your new studio space - it makes me absolutely envious!

I often shift to smaller ceramic work and/or 2d work in the winter since I work in my garage studio which isn't heated or insulated at the moment - though I'm trying to remedy that.

I think working in multi-disciplinary mediums is beneficial artistically and mentally. Your ladies remind me very much of your marks in your ceramic work too.

Chi said...

Diana, I'm really liking the new drawings on the cardboard envelopes, especially the splash of colors on the ladies' scarves.

Linda O'Neill said...

I love these new drawings you're doing, Diana. And your new studio space is to die for!

Sandra Monat said...

Congrats to the new studio and a good move! I love your ladies on cardboard, please more... :)