read all about it! (article in today's Home Section of the San Francisco Chronicle)
I have to admit, of all the web blogs, articles and magazines that I have had the great honor of being featured in (and I really do appreciate them all!) Nothing feels quite as satisfying as being featured in my local home town newspaper. It is like a right of passage and maybe it hearkens back to another time when getting in the newspaper was big time. I was, after all, born in the last year of the baby boomers so I am a bit old fashioned that way.
A big thanks goes out to Meg Mateo Ilasco for writing the article. Meg is a fabulous designer and has written a couple of books as well so it is an extra honor to be recognized by someone who is recognized herself.
And last but definitely not least Verdigris Gallery is having their last hurrah tonight. Verdigris has been the place in San Francisco to check out the best of the best when it comes to local ceramic work in the Bay Area. Mary Mar, Rae and Christa who own and run the gallery are all great talents in their own right (and they are gorgeous gals too) are all moving on to bigger and better things (keep an eye on them). So if you want to come and get some amazing deals on some great ceramics (everything in the gallery will be 20% off) come on down to Verdigris Gallery tonight. You just might spot some other Pottery Art Stars while you are there!
yay diana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congratulations diana! i feel that newspaper thrill too... something you can hold in your hands and clip out and paste in a book! such a well-deserved honor for you.
congrats! so deserved!!
How cool is that? I mean, a write up in the paper...it's like getting to see yourself on t.v! Rock on!
congratultions!! this is really really exciting!! i'll check it out...
I'm bummed that i missed out on the Verdigris last hurrah:(
i'll be signing up for june/july pottery classes (my first ever)...and i'm thinking of ruby clay studio - would you recommend them or somewhere else for a beginner?
Very exciting!!! The three pieces photographed for the article are my favourites.
thanks everyone for all the congratulations, it sure was a thrill having my work in the paper... i did feel like a rock star tiffany ;)
cristina, ruby's is a great place to take a class, also check out the sharron art studio in golden gate park (i think it is still there) and the randall museum might offer classes too. city college also has great instructors and classes that i highly recommend. good luck!!
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