I started to write a post two days ago but was so beside myself with joy that I just couldn't focus. One minute it was tears, the next minute the hairs on the back of my neck would be standing, and then there were the gleeful tourette like squeals that would escape from my mouth at random moments. I haven't worried too much about what people think. I see that many people around me are experiencing the very same thing. You all know what I am talking about...It begins with an O.
(and we all like things that begin with an O!)
And just look at all the smiles on your faces!
If you want to see some celebratory pottery happiness just
press this button.
Now I can focus again!
It felt so good to get back in the studio yesterday and work until my legs ached from standing all day. I am cooking up some new things for my upcoming Studio Sale on December 6th. I'll post more information about it as the date gets closer but mark it on your calendars not to miss it.
Oh and speaking of calendars...I have been getting many emails inquiring whether there is a 2009 calendar and I am sad to say there is not. I got so darned busy with all my back to back shows that I just couldn't pull it off. It's good to take a break and who knows maybe I'll make up something special and limited edition at the last minute.
If I do you'll be the first to know.
Now it's time to get to work!